A View on Reckless Driving

Reckless driving, or to some people, careless driving is one of the many offenses that a person/ driver can get when he violates traffic rules. Before you are given your driver’s license, you have attended driving schools, right? And you are taught in such...

Traffic Ticket Attorney

Traffic Ticket Attorneys are increasingly high in demand now. Why? Because more and more drivers are caught in traffic violations. Specially speeders and drunk drivers chase the lawyers to represent them. Why not if this means that they will have a better chance of...

Fridays Most Dangerous?

Fridays Are The Most Dangerous Driving Days For Commuters   Does this news surprise any of us? Aren’t we all in a hurry for TGIF? We raise this issue not because of the traffic ticket associated with Friday driving, but rather because we need to be aware of...