DUI: Some Strategies..

It is totally wrong to drive when you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances that can hinder your mind from focusing on driving safely. However, because we are just human beings, we would sometimes forget this. And yes, we could get caught and get DUI...

Best Miami DUI Lawyer

The idea of needing to work with a Miami DUI lawyer is not something that people wish to think of. Regrettably for some, the need does develop, and it is crucial to understand exactly why a specialist lawyer is required and the ways to go about having the very best...

DUI Arrests Down

While the final numbers for drunk driving arrests in Miami during the Memorial Day Week is not yet out, some states have already noted a decrease in DUI incidences as compared to the previous year. The drop in DUI charges may be attributed to the increase in police...

Cases Of DUI

DUI/Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol: One of the Major Causes of Road Accidents? You may very well be familiar with a driving reminder which is, “If you drink, do not drive. If you drive do not drink”. Why do you think this was coined? While there are many...