With more than 15 years of credible and reputable service in Miami and Broward, the Traffic Ticket Office has been known and credited with helping drivers battle their violations. The Traffic Ticket Office also provides services in Palm Beach, to manage and secure the rights of drivers as well as protect their interests. Our seasoned traffic ticket attorneys are learned and knowledgeable in court proceedings. This has allowed us to achieve reduced penalties, if not have them completely dismissed altogether.
One’s natural inclination tells us to pay our penalties right away. However, in the eyes of both the court and traffic authorities, this is a different case. Your willingness to pay traffic violation fees and penalties is actually your admission of fault and guilt. If you think you have no other option, think again. Call 305-LAW-FIRM (529-3476) to speak to one of our traffic ticket attorneys. Within a few minutes of speaking with us, you will realize you have an alternative to just paying the fines alone. Let our Miami traffic ticket attorneys handle this for you so that you can maintain a clean record.