There are times when our clients have their license suspended. And the first thing they will ask is why their license is suspended. There are several reasons for having your license revoked or suspended. Some of them are:

A suspended Florida license can occur for a wide variety of reasons. A person’s driver license will remain suspended indefinitely until he or she submits proof of ADI course completion to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). Some common reasons for driver license suspension or revocation include the following:

  • Accumulation of points
  • Classification as a habitual traffic offender (HTO)
  • Conviction of DUI charge*

A suspended Florida license can happen as the result of point accumulation.

In Florida, driver license suspensions resulting from accumulation of points for traffic violations are assessed according to the following schedule:

  • 12 points earned within 12 months results in a 30-day suspension
  • 18 points earned within 18 months results in a 3-month suspension
  • 24 ponts earned within 36 months results in a 12-month suspension

To read more, check the article here.

What is a D-6 Driver License Suspension?

Most Florida drivers do not know the traffic laws concerning a D-6 suspension. A D-6 Driver License Suspension can happen to you, if you fail to pay a traffic ticket. In that case your drivers license suspension is called a D-6 suspension.

Another article provides a detailed information about suspended license. This includes:

Determine the Status of Your Drivers License

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and the courts have the ability to suspend or revoke your driver’s license on a variety of grounds.

Sometimes, your driver’s license can be suspended without your knowing it. It’s easy to check the status of your license when you look at your driving record.

Check Your Driving Record – Check For Suspended License

Your driving record report will advise you if your driver’s license is currently valid or whether it’s suspended or revoked. The record will also show points against your license and, in some cases, any accidents you have had.

Reinstate Drivers License

When you are allowed to reinstate your license―and the requirements you must fulfill to do so―depends on the reason for your license suspension.

Some of these scenarios may cause your insurance to jump; you may be able to get a lower rate if you shop around.

You can check the whole article here.

In the worst scenario, some clients are caught driving with suspended license. Some information regarding driving with suspended license such as penalties and defense are:

What Are the Penalties in Florida for Driving With a Suspended License?

Under Florida law, if a prosecutor succeeds in proving that the accused knew of the license suspension, revocation, or cancellation, a first time offense can result in 60 days jail and a fine of up to $500.00. A second offense may be charged as a first degree misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of 1 year in jail. A third offense in Florida may result in felony charges, with up to 5 years in prison and maximum fine of $5,000.00.

Are There Defenses to a Suspended License Charge in Florida?

There are many defenses and strategies available to defeat a suspended license charge or to mitigate potential penalties. Common examples include:

  • Legal challenges to the validity of the traffic stop;
  • the accused was not driving;
  • the accused did not know of the suspension, cancellation, or revocation;
  • the accused was not driving on a public highway;
  • the vehicle is not a “motor vehicle” for purposes of the driver’s license statute;
  • the accused’s Florida driver’s license had been reinstated or adequate reason existed to believe it had been reinstated.

Get the whole article here.

Do not get into troubles, ask your Miami Traffic Ticket Attorneys at 305-LAW-FIRM.