

Labor Day Traffic Ticket?

So, did you get a traffic ticket this past Labor Day weekend?   What a drag, right?  Well, it happens during long holiday weekends, more so than on regular weekends.  We’ve been very busy taking care of our clients with Labor Day weekend  tickets this past week.  Even with the COVID-19, people are still out and about.  And well, tickets just happen as a result of every day driving in a big city.


Don’t Pay that Ticket!

Tickets are our specialty.  So, don’t pay that ticket!  Call us at 305-law-firm (305-529-3476) and we’ll take care of that ticket for you.

Paying the ticket is an admission of guilt.  As a result, there are consequences.  The worst of these consequences is points on your license.  Points on your license then lead to increase car insurance rates for a given amount of time.  This all depends on the amount of points you are assessed.  So it is important you just leave it to our traffic ticket attorneys.

Learn more about these types of tickets may affect your driver’s license here.


Why Call the Traffic Ticket Office?

The Traffic Ticket Office helps you resolve your traffic ticket issues.  Whether Labor Day or any other day of the week, we have over 25 years experience.  Traffic tickets are our specialty.  We handle cases dealing with all sorts of Miami traffic violations. From speeding tickets, red light violations, DUI’s, suspended licenses, we can help you.

We assist you in finding simple and affordable solutions keep you driving. Our traffic attorneys have helped thousands of clients protect themselves from both the financial and practical burdens traffic tickets can cause. Allow us to represent you. Have an experienced Miami ticket lawyer fight on your behalf.

Call 305-LAW-FIRM (305-529-3476) today for your free consultation.

So, remember, STOP! Don’t Pay That Ticket!