Memorial Day Driving in Miami

Memorial Day driving in Miami

Big Holiday Weekend

Memorial Day is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays in the USA. It represents the kickoff to summer.  It signals the summer barbecue grilling and pool season is upon us.  Images of weekend cookouts and pool parties create nostalgia and the desire to overall connect with friends and family.  At the same time, however,  Memorial Day weekend also represents the kick off to the most dangerous season of the year on the road.   Memorial Day driving in Miami is also challenging.

According to AAA, “Despite drivers’ self-confidence, Memorial Day commences the most dangerous season of the year on the road, with more auto accidents occurring during summer months than any other time of year. More than 34.6 million Americans will hit the road this Memorial Day weekend, the traditional launch of the U.S. summer vacation season.

Memorial Day Driving in Miami

Moreover, Memorial Day is one of the most dangerous holidays in terms of driving accidents taking place.  More DUI’s issued.  In order to ensure public safety, additional police will be patrolling the busy Miami streets. What does this mean? More Miami traffic tickets issued.

This morning’s Miami Herald even warns Miami boaters to be very careful along the waterways, “Stay boat sober. You will be watched extra closely this weekend — especially when it comes to drinking and driving…”

Why Call the Traffic Ticket Office?

Miami’s Traffic Ticket Office helps you resolve your traffic ticket issues. Miami’s Traffic Ticket Office, also known as the Ticket Clinic on 103rd street, has a team of the most reliable Miami traffic ticket attorneys and office staff ready to assist in your defense.

Call the Traffic Ticket Office Today

The Traffic Ticket Office assists you in finding simple and affordable solutions to help you stay on the road. Additionally, we help you maintain a clean driving record. Our Miami traffic ticket attorneys have helped thousands of clients just like you. Have an experienced lawyer fight your Miami traffic ticket.

Call 305-LAW-FIRM (305-529-3476) or contact us here for immediate help with your Miami traffic ticket.

The Traffic Ticket Office wishes you a wonderful and above all, safe Memorial Day weekend.

Remember, be responsible and have a designated driver.