Are You at Risk of Losing Your License for an extended period of time?

Aggressive defense for different kinds of traffic violations are generally not needed. However, one would need this if they are a habitual traffic offender. This results from receiving numerous traffic violations, which could lead to the suspension of driving rights, lasting up to five years.

You don’t want to be identified as a habitual traffic offender. You want to take the necessary steps to make sure you will not have a problem in the future. You need the advice of a lawyer immediately.

Traffic offender

Count on the Traffic Ticket Office, a law firm in Miami Florida. We have provided favorable solutions for hundreds of thousands of clients. We help in taking the needed steps to protect both their licenses and driving rights.

Criminal Defense Classification for Different Traffic Charges

The accumulation of multiple points-based civil infraction violations can lead to a classification as a habitual traffic offender. A conviction of Driving under the Influence (DUI),  driving with a suspended license or operating a commercial vehicle without a CDL are also characterized under habitual traffic offender. Finally, a Felony conviction is associated with accidents involving the use of a motor vehicle.

Our lawyers have extensive experience with violations involving the use of motor vehicles. We have built a strong reputation helping clients in this area. We can help you prevent serious penalties on your driving record.. We can also help you preserve your license. Take the appropriate measures to prevent from being designated a habitual traffic offender.

Contacting the Traffic Ticket Office

We educate our clients on the dangers resulting from not fighting a DUI arrest. Additionally, we explain how this path can lead to the confiscation of one’s driver’s license. The police may treat your vehicular infraction as a criminal act. Only a strong defense will protect your rights.

Contact us online or call our office at 305-LAW-FIRM. Schedule an appointment with our criminal defense lawyer.