According to recent statistics on traffic tickets, the are aproximately 3875 speeding tickets issued every hour. is 3875. This is equivalent to about 34 million traffic tickets issued annually. This amounts to around $6 billion.  So if you’ve you found yourself with a traffic ticket in hand, don’t feel isolated. You’re not alone.

While traffic tickets can cause many inconveniences, not to mention the points being added to your driving record translating into higher insurance premiums, handling traffic tickets need not be that arduous. Based on our experience and research, here is the first of a two-article segment on some tips on how to properly handle traffic tickets should you receive one.

Handling possible traffic ticket: When you are asked to pull over

Handling traffic ticket effective requires attitude and right counsel

When you’re being pulled over for a potential traffic ticket, Lifehacker suggests you have the “right attitude” towards the situation. On its post about how to beat a traffic ticket, it states,

“Fighting with the police officer never increases your chances of leniency. You want him to like you. Prepare to achieve this goal.”

WikiHow also suggests the same thing on “. It mentioned politeness may be the key to not getting a traffic ticket.

“Being belligerent or indignant may make you feel better but it might cost you more. By being polite and cooperative, the officer may just write your [traffic] ticket for a less costly offense instead of what was actually committed and with luck, you might just get a warning! On the other hand, if you are nasty or curt, the officer may note this and the prosecutors will be less likely to cut you a deal if this went to court.”

It’s just fitting to say that when you are in a situation where you are asked by the police officer to pull over, that is not the right time nor place to get angry or defensive. The right attitude could help save you from having that traffic tickets issued at all.

Here is also another simple yet very practical tip. The National Motorists Organization on fighting traffic tickets in the state of Michigan states “Don’t admit guilt!”. Although honesty is the best policy, don’t admit to the traffic ticket offense particularly when the officer is taking down notes. Your words may be used against you when you decide to fight the traffic ticket in court. Rather, it’s advised to write down everything that just happened after the police officer has left.

“Write (1) Where you were and the officer was when he observed you speeding, (2)the location of any other vehicles between you and the officer, (3) The weather and traffic conditions and (4) Any other unusual circumstances such as if the highway runs right next to an airport.”

For More Traffic Ticket Advice

The second part of this article will focus more on how to properly handle the situation after you have received the traffic ticket. Should you need some urgent advice on your concerns on Miami traffic tickets, consult our knowledgeable and highly experienced traffic ticket office lawyers. Call us at 305-LAW-FIRM or contact us to schedule an appointment.