Speed Trap Tickets

Speed Trap Tickets

Ever Been Issued a Ticket Because of a Speed Trap?

Speed traps and speed trap tickets.  Drivers hate them. Law enforcement in small, rural towns thrives on them. Have you ever been the victim of a speed trap?

Speed limits are actually usually established by traffic engineers. However, the placement of these is oftentimes ridiculous.  Though legal, rural communities use controversial methods to catch those traveling even 1 mile above the posted speed limit.

Tactics for Speed Traps

“What do these towns do that others don’t? Three things. They place rapidly decreasing speed limit signs close together, they regularly patrol the highway looking for violators, and they write tickets.”

“The decreasing speed limit signs are close together and vehicles cannot meet the newly decreased speed by simply coasting. Officers will cite drivers that are going faster than the posted speed limit at the time they pass the sign.”

Some Florida Speed Traps

Use caution in these locations in Florida where the speed limit is strictly enforced:

  • Hiway 98 in Gulfbreeze
  • US 19 & Alt US 27 in Chiefland
  • Hiway 441 in Lady Lake
  • US Hwy 1 near Mile Marker 35

How to Avoid Getting a Ticket

Try to avoid these small, rural towns as you drive to your destination. If you can’t, well, then just drive slowly. If not, you’ll become a victim of a speed trap.

Why Call the Traffic Ticket Office?

Did you get a ticket recently?  The Traffic Ticket Office helps you resolve your traffic ticket issues. We have over 25 years experience. We handle cases dealing with all sorts of Miami traffic violations. From speeding tickets, red light violations, DUI’s, suspended licenses, we can help you. We are even successful helping habitual offenders keep their licenses. Because of this, we know how to best represent your particular situation. As a result, we will clear your driver’s license.

Miami’s Traffic Ticket Office, also known as the Ticket Clinic on 103rd street, has a team of the most reliable Miami traffic ticket attorneys and office staff ready to assist you in defending you against your Miami speeding ticket.

Call the Traffic Ticket Office Today

The Traffic Ticket Office assists you in finding simple and affordable solutions to help you stay on the road. Additionally, we help you maintain a clean driving record. Our Miami traffic ticket attorneys have helped thousands of clients just like you. We protect you from both the financial and practical burdens Miami traffic tickets cause. Allow us to represent you. Have an experienced lawyer fight your Miami traffic ticket. This will reduce the potential of having many frustrations and hassles.

Call 305-LAW-FIRM (305-529-3476) or contact us here for immediate help with your Miami speeding tickets and other Miami traffic violations.

Remember, STOP! Don’t Pay That Ticket! And very importantly, DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE! It may save your life and another’s.