Faster Than a SPEEDING Ticket: Beat the Heat

Just dropping in to share a few stories with you about speeding tickets, what to do and what not to do. Speeding tickets could turn to be like a nail in your butt or a matter of amusement – as shown in the last video.

Starting with Clowney which you probably heard already down to quite ludicrous news and amazing stories. Of course nothing of that reflects our own judgement or opinion. More information about our position you find at Florida speeding tickets.

Image by Phil’s 1stPix via Flickr

Credits: Clowney gets attorney to fight speeding tickets – Greenville News
“If he was found guilty of both of these tickets, his license would be suspended.” Clowney received his first ticket for going 110 miles an hour down I-77. He was again charged with speeding while heading to campus to catch the bus for the Capital One
Ex-USC football star Clowney dodges Thursday’s speeding ticket trialThe State
Clowney asks for jury trial in speeding ticket
Jadeveon Clowney requests jury trial on speeding ticketFanSided

Tim Davison of Poland, who was shot to death Saturday alongside a highway in Pennsylvania, had nine speeding tickets and three accidents on his driving record, but his family and friends say he was not an aggressive driver, and they object to his death 

Credits: Nine speeding tickets, three accidents on victim’s record – Press Herald
A Wabasha County diversion program that offers to throw out traffic tickets for drivers who pay to take a safety course has been ordered to a permanent halt by a judge who says the program is illegal. The ruling, issued Monday, calls into question

Credits: Judge: Classes in lieu of traffic tickets are illegal – Minneapolis Star Tribune
It’s short, but quite intricate; in essence, he says the “pad” provided by law before police can cite motorists for speeding can be larger in speed zones under 55 mph than for those over 55, which seems the reverse of what is logical. The faster the

Credits: Speeding tickets at 70 mph – Allentown Morning Call (blog)
Kylie Jenner continued her vehicular losing streak Saturday afternoon in Malibu … getting stopped by an L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy and ticketed for a moving violation. The photog who shot the pic says it was for speeding.

Credits: Kylie Jenner — She’s Got a Ticket to Ride |

Something highly controversial:
Speeding tickets are used to generate revenue for police departments and governments, not to protect drivers.

Credits: The Speeding Ticket Scam | Kielsky Rike pllc

Huffington PostSpeeding Ticket

Android App Saves Driver From Speeding Ticket. Arizona Speed Cameras Will Be Eliminated. PHOENIX — Arizona is ending a groundbreaking and contentious program that put speed cameras along Phoenix-area freeways and in vans deployed acr. Owning a smartphone can be costly.

Esurance – Speeding Tickets & Car Insurance Rates

For example, drivers caught going 5, 10, or even 20 mph over the speed limit may get only one to 3 points on their driving records, while drivers in excess of 30 mph over the speed limit may get as many as 8 points added.

But look at this one how easy he got out of the ticket, maybe a little smarter..? or just show?

Tell us your opinion below.

That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed this post and had your laugh (as I did). Always remember that we are here to help you with any traffic ticket issues, specially speeding tickets.