Most of us still get confused on what a Photo Traffic Ticket exactly is. This post should help you become more educated on the topic. We have gathered a handful of helpful resources for you. Make sure to watch the video and read the remaining contents.

Miami Photo Traffic Ticket – Traffic Ticket Lawyers Miami


Given that since 1993 the Traffic Ticket Office has successfully been fighting all types of traffic tickets in Miami and South Florida we are able to offer our customers the benefits of conserving time and money, protecting their driving rights, and preventing the buildup of points on their records.

How to Beat a Photo Traffic Ticket You got in the Mail

Last year I received a letter in the mail from the Washington D.C DMV claiming I was speeding. As you can see it was one of those Photo-Enforced Speeding Tickets and they had multiple pictures of my CAR. I knew better to just submit and pay a fine like the majority of people do in this country, unfortunately. I am in the habit of not taking “plea deals”, and I am always in the habit of fighting my tickets and NOT pre-paying them so I don’t have to go to court – like many folks do. I just about always record my interactions with the police, whether it’s a traffic stop or not, that way it keeps the entire situation objective, transparent and I can hold the public servant accountable if he/ she violates my rights…

Two recommended books:

Traffic Law Handbook, Anderson Publishing Co., by Lexisnexis Matthew Bender (Nov 2013)

How to Beat a Speeding Ticket Book -Fight that Ticket and Win: The Complete Guide to Beating the system Tips on Getting Speeding Tickets, Traffic Tickets and red light camera tickets Dismissed
by Bo Simpson

Photo radar speeding ticket, Tempe –
If the ticket has already been mailed to you, then you should contact an attorney who works with traffic tickets and knows the law regarding photo radar. Home > Research Legal Advice > Speeding / Traffic Ticket > Photo radar speeding ticket, Tempe. Asked about 3 years ago.

PhotoTraffic Tickets
If you received a photo traffic ticket, be sure to ask your experienced traffic ticket lawyer at 305-LAW-FIRM or send us your ticket details.

Photo Traffic Ticket Miami: Find An Advantage for a more …
Miami keeps a data source of drivers as well as their found guilty traffic tickets as traced by Photo Traffic Ticket Miami or caught by traffic enforcers. Being ticketed, a motorist has an opportunity to plead guilty or otherwise guilty …

I’m afraid this is already too much to digest for today (smiley). For free consultation call our lawyers at 305-LAW-FIRM.